Partners of the project

Participant P1 - Coordinator
Institute of Chemical Technology
Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology
Technická 5, 166 28 Prague 6, Czech Republic

                Prof. Dr. Pavel Rauch
                Dr. Ladislav Fukal
                Dipl. Eng. Ludmila Karasová - Karamonová
                Dr. Igor. Hochel

theoretical and applied enzymology; immunochemical methods in biochemistry, food technology and agricultural research; utilisation of labelled compounds in biochemistry; phospholipids natural and artificial; immobilised enzymes; biosensors; immunoaffinity chromatography

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Participant P2
BBSRC Institute of Food Research
Norwich Research Park, Colney, Norwich, NR4 7UA, UK

                Dr. Gary Wyatt
                Prof. Mike Morgan
                Dr. Gary Brett

introducing immunochemical techniques to food research; the development of diagnostic kits, commercially available, including the first immunassay for quantification of a trace analyte (aflatoxin) to be given Official First Action status ba the Assaciation of Official Analytical Chemists in the USA; the range of research covers haptens (e.g. vitamins, mycotoxins, natural toxicants and pesticides), biopolymers (e.g. soya, wheat, arabinoxylans) and cells (e.g. Salmonelly, Listeria); improved methods of hapten-protein production, using monoclonal antibodies to understand the functionality of wheat flour proteins, in understanding the interaction of food biopolymers with the human immune system, and in manipulating antibody specifity and affinity by genetic means through recombinant antibodies

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Participant P3
Slovak Technical University
Faculty of Chemical Technology
Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology
Radlinského 9, 812 37 Bratislava, Slovak Republic

                Prof Dr.Katarína Horáková
                Dr. Mária Greifová
                Dr. Andrea Šovèíková
                Zuzana Seemanová MSc.
                Ján Tkáè MSc.
                Dr. Vladimír Mastihuba
                Dr. Miroslava Urbanèíková - external assisstance
biological activity and mode of action of xenobiotics; immunoassays development; validation of ELISA for food control; application of predictive microbiology in food technology, study of biogenic amines production by various bacteria; application of biosensors in food analysis

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Participant P4
Dublin City University
School of Biotechnology
DCU, Dublin 9, Ireland

                Prof. Richard O´Kennedy
                Dr. B. Manning
                John Quinn
                Stephen Hearty
                Paul Leonard
Development of rapid assay systems for the determination of food contaminants, drugs and drug metabolites, bacteria, cells (e.g. Rbc). This involves the use of antibody-based systems including ELISA, sensors (e.g. Biacore, cytosensor, surface plasmon resonance and other optical systems, electrochemical approaches). The group has produced patents that are licensed and products are commercially available. In addition, they offer a service facility to industry.

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Participant P5
Dairy Research Institute
Ke Dvoru 12, 160 00 Prague 6, Czech Republic

                Dr. Petr Roubal
                Dr. Jan Drbohlav
                Martina Pechaèová
                Dr. Josef Brychta - associated contractor

agricultural research; hygienic aspects of milk production and technology; chemistry and microbiology of raw milk and milk and other food products; collection of dairy microorganisms; cultured dairy products suitable for dietetic purposes; cheese and quargs technology; analysis of contaminants in milk products

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Participant P6
Dairy Research Institute
Dlhá ul. 95, P.O. Box C 54, 010 01 Žilina, Slovak Republic

                Dr. Karol Herian
                Dr. Martin Tomáška
                Anna Slotová MSc.
                Andrea Závodská MSc.

new criteria for raw milk; quality composition and processing of goat milk; development of progressive technologies in dairy industry; research and verification of operational laboratory methods for testing; rationalisation of technological procedures; application of up-to-date physical methods and equipment in dairying

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